Monday, April 23, 2007


Here are a couple pictures of Zibby as of April 2007.
He is a pretty awesome Dog!

Our nephew Cooper (2yrs.) wanted Zibby to wear his sunglasses.

Brooks and Zibby chillin' in the shade.

Chicago & South Bend

Well South Bend was sweet! It is such a beautiful campus, and we had a great time. Here are some pictures from the Cubs game we went to, Touchdown Jesus, #1 Moses, the Dome, and the rest of the campus.

First pitch of the game!

The famous Wrigley scoreboard & flags.

Derrek Lee!

This lovely mural faces the football stadium at Notre Dame and is known as none other than Touch Down Jesus.

Chicago cityscape across Lake Michigan

#9 - we named our dog zibby after this guy, Tom Zibicowski

A tribute to Virginia Tech at Notre Dame's Grotto

Doing the heisman at the College Football Hall of Fame.

South Bend Trip

The Grotto. On Notre Dame's campus

This is #1 Moses. Notre Dame is #1 cuz Moses said so.

The Golden Dome