Monday, August 04, 2008

Scavenger Hunt 101

I jointed a Flickr group called Scavenger Hunt 101. There is a list of 100 things to find and take photos of. Here are some of my favorite shots so far:

#85 your favorite past time/hobby/interest

#23 a flower
I mostly love the sprinkler in the background

#13 someone wearing polka dots
i could have used this one for #98, your favorite article of clothing, but no duplicates allowed!

#74 food growing
one of those stringy things on a cucumber plant

This is the first time I've ever experimented with photography. It's fun!
You can see the rest of my submitted photos here.


Molly said...

Good job photo Joe.

Tansy said...

Those are awesome pic's. You have a great eye, Bonny.