Now that photo uploading is fixed....
There are some things about Georgia that I love and there are other things that really make me want to move back to Utah. Here are just a few of the latter:Bugs! Spiders! Roaches! Crawly Things!These HARMLESS little caterpillers come out during the months of September and October. When I say they "come out" I mean that they are ALL OVER THE PLACE! You can barely walk around outside with out squashing one. Once they finally latch on to something and start making their cocoons they are less on the sidewalk and more on EVERYTHING ELSE! In the photo on the left it has latched itself on to the leg of my
neighbor's porch rocker. The one on the right is latched on to the top doorway of the neighbor's play house. EW! They're harmless but I sure don't like them. Oh and I think the last time I saw a caterpillar was in like 2nd grade when it was cool to catch them in a jar with a stick. Do you remember doing that? Anyhow these spiney little guys actually turn into beautiful monarch butterflies.
Alright now here is the worst part.
To the right we have the Daddy Long Leg. What? You don't believe me? Right, because Daddy Long Leg spiders in Utah are not even half this size. This guy is perched on the neighbor's play house thing (yeah that little house has a bad reputation with bugs and I would never play in it if I were a kid). This spidey seriously is the size of the spread of my hand! See how long those legs are? GROSSSSSS! These spiders supposedly don't bite but I don't care, I still don't want it near me! Good thing my camera has zoom.
Alright....I know! EWWWWW!!! Yes this is two shots of the same spider just to give you an idea of the sheer gynormity of this spidey. Ew I'm shuddering while a type. He is perched up in the
corner of the porch. You can judge the size by the bricks. The hairy beast built himself a little home up there! (don't worry, soon after this picture was taken he was exterminated with a generous dose of Raid and Windex). Check out the picture on the right. If you look closely you can see the camera flash reflecting off of its eyeballs! Bleh!
And if that wasn't enough for your eyes, here are a few more nasty spiders.....
Ew! I didn't actually see this one in real life. My neighbor found it and this photo is borrowed from
her blog. I've never seen anything like this before and I never want to!
And this final nasty is two very different photos of the same spider. This thing is huge.
Katie found it on her door (outside) right above the door knob. What placement! This sucker is just huge. Check out the shadow in that picture on the left. Oh man I want Utah back!